Life lately…

…has been pretty hectic. Hence the sporadic blogging. I always feel blogger’s guilt when I’ve not posted for a few days but am hoping that once the madness of August is over I can regain my focus a bit. Here’s some of the things that have been distracting me recently…



Sometimes all you need is an LBD and a pair of nude courts – this is what I wore for one of our exhibition nights at work.


20140803_165913Me and some of my galpals recently discovered that the best hangover cure is not a hair of the dog, or even a bacon sarnie (shock horror) but actually a day spent lying in a field, looking up at the most perfect blue sky, and laughing a lot about the night beforehand.



Pimms jellies – an absolute innovation. But possibly partly guilty for the aforementioned hangover…


One of my beautiful and bestest buds came back home for a week – so many lovely catch ups, girly drinks, and sunny wanders. Couldn’t ask for anything more.



Another exhibition night – another pretty dress! Thank goodness we’re almost at the end of the exhibition calendar because I’m running out of things to wear…wow, I never thought I’d say that!



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